IV Hydration Therapy — Primary care Physician & Women's Health Screening by Age - Family care center

IV Hydration Therapy Available!

IV Hydration Therapy

Let us help you do your Encourage Healthy Time!

Feel free to come in and we will assess and evaluate your need for:

  • IV hydration therapy:  

  • Dehydration:

If you have experienced loss of bodily fluids:

After Menstruation

Diarrhea, Nausea/Vomiting, poor appetite or any other illness


If you recently had: 

Fever, flu, cold, headache, constipation, UTI, pneumonia

Frequent urination after drinking too much alcohol

Poor eating habits, long hours of work

Frequent exercise/Jogging with heavy sweating

Active sports player 


If you feel:

Dry and achy

Fatigued/Tired, worn out with low energy, High stress

  • IV Multivitamin infusions  

Encourage healthy and become the Best, Healthiest you!

Replenish your body's vitamin storage for better health

Nutritional support therapy

Good hydration and rejuvenation

Cell repair


If you: 

Frequently drink alcohol

Work long hours with Poor eating habits

Had Diarrhea, Nausea/Vomiting, poor appetite, any other illness

Have fatigue/tired, Dry and achy, worn out with low energy, high stress


Encourage healthy with: 

IV multivitamins, consistent exercise and good nutrition

Maintain good hydration and enhance your ability to fight illness

Enhance your energy level, Feel better, and sleep well  
